Criterion 5 - 5.1.2 Following capacity development and skills enhancement activities are organized for improving students’ capability
01. Soft skills
02. Language and communication skills
03. Life skills (Yoga, physical fitness, health and hygiene)
04. ICT/computing skills

Sr. No. Academic Year View Documents
Report with photographs on Programmes /activities conducted to enhance soft skills, Language and communication skills, and Life skills (Yoga, physical fitness, health and hygiene, self-employment and entrepreneurial skills)
01. Academic Year 2022-23 View File
02. Academic Year 2021-22 View File
03. Academic Year 2020-21 View File
04. Academic Year 2019-20 View File
05. Academic Year 2018-19 View File
Report with photographs on ICT / computing skills enhancement programs
01. Academic Year 2022-23 View File
02. Academic Year 2021-22 View File
03. Academic Year 2020-21 View File
04. Academic Year 2019-20 View File
05. Academic Year 2018-19 View File
